The moment we had been waiting for finally arrived!
Square Panda celebrated its launch in India on February 19, 2019 at the Westin Hotel in Mumbai.

You may recall, dear reader, from our previous post, that while we are well-known across America, we have just opened our doors in India.
We introduced our amazing multisensory phonics learning system to India at the ‘Language, Literacy, and Early Childhood Education‘ event.
An audience comprised of the biggest names in education were left completely enthralled with the talks presented by our speakers…
especially when Guest of Honour Andre Agassi walked in.
Take a look…
Square Panda CEO and co-founder Andy Butler with Andre Agassi, who spoke about his journey from tennis to education, and from there, to Square Panda. (below) (Watch the video here.)

(above) Andre Agassi’s Q & A session with the audience.
Read his interviews with the Times of India, Economic Times, and Inside Sport.
Our Speakers:
Ashish Jhalani, Managing Director, Square Panda India, kicking off the event with an introduction to Square Panda. (Watch his speech here.)

Dr. Nandini Chatterjee Singh, cognitive neuroscientist from National Brain Research Centre on deputation to UNESCO-MGIEP, talking about ‘Shaping the Biliterate Brain – Acquisition of Literacy Skills in Two Distinct Languages’. (Watch her talk here.)

Dr. Vera Blau-McCandliss, VP of Education and Research, Square Panda, speaking about ‘The Research & Science Behind Today’s Early Childhood Learning’. (Watch her speech here.)
Andy Butler, CEO and co-founder, Square Panda, enlightening the audience on the ‘Future of Technology for Early Learners’.

Dhruv Bhargava, VP, Data Science & Software, Square Panda, on Personalisation & Adaptiveness for Better Young Learners’. (Watch his speech here.)

Also actively engaging the audience interest were our two panels:
Panel I: The 6 C’s of Early Education—Collaboration, Communication, Content, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Confidence
Panel Speakers (from left to right): Bhavin Shah-Moderator, (Director-CEO, Education World), Vani Shastri (Director at SEED & Seed Academy, Chennai), Nitya Ramaswami (Executive Mentor, Alfa Group of Schools), Bhargavi Ajit (Adapt India).
Panel II: Evolution of Artificial Intelligence Aided Teaching
Panel Speakers (from left to right): Fatema Agarkar (Co-founder, KA EduAssociates), Pooja Goyal Sharma (Head of Strategy and New Initiatives, Klay Prep Schools and Daycare, Bangalore), Dr. Seema Negi (Principal, Sanjeevani World School), Dhruv Bhargava (VP of Data Science & Software Engineering, Square Panda, California).
Appreciating all the efforts made in the education sector, the following people were awarded a special Square Panda trophy:

For more photos, visit our Facebook and Instagram pages.
Thank you to everyone who made it to the event; we couldn’t have done it without you. We hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as we did.
To know more about Square Panda, visit our website.
– Sanjana Shukla, Content Writer, Square Panda India